Creativity is rolling

I stepped into my current job in last-minute fashion. The others who could have trained me were surprised that the previous person had been fired over the summer and shocked to learn I had been hired. Needless to say, my training experience left something to be desired. I have been behind the eight ball all year. Looking toward next year, however, I see the mistakes I made and have had a chance to think through how I would do things differently. My creative juices are flowing! I love when creativity is happening. It sometimes feels like my brain is eating Pop Rocks! The ideas feel like little bombs going off or little flashes of lightning are hitting my gray matter....but I mean that feeling in a good way, not in the "go to the ER immediately" kind of way.

Here is one idea of which I am especially proud. It utilizes a set of Rory's Story Cubes with the theme of Righting Wrongs (one of my PeaceBuilder topics for the year). Students will write a story incorporating several words/concepts as determined by the Story Cubes, but the story must fit the theme of Righting Wrongs. This is just the kind of assignment I would have loved as a kid.


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